Sunday, April 6, 2014

Second leg of our trip- Cairns to Horn Island

The second leg of our trip was from Cairns to Horn Island.
This flight was particularly exciting for us.
We had a hilarious mid-air "incident" that entertained the passengers
behind us at MY expense!
During the flight from Cairns to Horn Island the air steward provided refreshments. After we finished eating he served tea and coffee. I had half a cup of tea left when the Pilot put the seat belt sign on due to turbulence. The steward sat in the empty seats opposite us and buckled up. As I struggled to cover my half cup of tea with my hand to stop it spilling, the plane hit an air pocket and dropped suddenly. Everyone was bounced into the air, my head hit the overhead lockers  and my tea left the cup, rose to the ceiling, hovered in mid-air (or so it seemed) then came down and splashed over me, the ceiling, the wall and the two men in front of us. One was NOT amused. The man directly in front of me did not respond to my apologies even after we landed but the people behind us were wonderful. They passed through tissues and napkins to us to dry off as the steward was unable to assist until the seatbelt light was switched off. I was mortified! But gosh it was funny!

But this was overshadowed by the spectacular scenery. We were able to see parts of the Queensland coastline that we had never seen before from the air or by land.  
A single dirt road snaked through the terrain leading to a small settlement .. the passenger behind us said it was Lockhart.
The scenery changed from thick rainforest to...
breaks in the rainforest made by creeks and rivers..
One moment you were looking at pure white sand hills and beach....

and the next the sand was coloured red and yellow by mineral deposits in the soil.

Then the thrill of  

our last view of mainland Australia!

Before arriving on Horn Island, Torres Strait.

A short stop at the Horn Island airport terminal.
This airport is where all flights and ferries to the surrounding islands depart from. Thursday Island is accessed by ferry but the only way to Saibai Island is to travel by plane. 
Check in is located at the blue counter in the centre of the photo.  Passengers need to stand on the scales holding their carry on luggage before boarding the plane. Luggage is then weighed and fingers crossed your luggage will get to  travel with you.
We were lucky that there were only six passengers to Saibai Island and it was one of the bigger planes (called a caravan) so all our bags were allowed on board.


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