Sunday, April 6, 2014

The final leg - Horn Island to Saibai Island


The final leg of our journey to Saibai Island was on this plane. It is called a caravan and is one of the bigger planes that fly to Saibai.


When we went to board the plane at Horn Island the Pilot came and collected us from the terminal and led us out to the plane. He then did  the safety message which included the following advice...

Should we need to make an emergency landing and I am unresponsive this is the switch that needs to be activated so you can be located.

WHAT THE ?????? 

We then climbed into the plane and were on our way.

WOW, WOW, WOW!! What spectacular views! This is an experience we will always remember. What a privilege it is to be able to see this part of our beautiful country.

Coming in to land on Siabai Island we had our first view of Papua New Guinea, only four kilometres north of Saibai.  Until that moment, the reality that it was possible to see another country while still in Australia was not even considered.


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