Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Saibai places of interest

Places of interest on Saibai


The Community Centre - is used in the afternoons for basketball practice.
 We were approached by a local who asked Peter if he played b-ball.
Peter was not keen.
"This white boy can't jump," I explained.  

The Holy Trinity Church -
Peter and I are attend the 10 am Sunday service each week.
A large portion of the service is in the local language - Kala Kawau Ya (KKY).

 The Canteen - the island pub. They advertise PNG beer which Peter wants to try. He will have to go alone though as I have been told female teachers aren't allowed. 
The Canteen faces the beachfront and the road running off to the right is School Road which leads to the school, IBIS, Health centre and dam.

 The jetty -  This is where the barge comes in to make deliveries to Saibai Island. It is also where some of the local children go fishing and swimming.

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