Thursday, April 17, 2014

Our First Saibai Fishing Experiences

Our first fishing experience on Saibai Island was to the jetty where we were joined by two little girls who caught small bait fish using hand reels. Their fishing tackle was a hook and a small piece of peeled prawn and they caught several small bait fish which they gave to us to use as live bait. We didn't catch anything but had a relaxing afternoon.

Our next fishing trip was to the "bridge".  The "bridge" is a large culvert that runs under the road and feeds sea water into a creek during high tides.

As our fishing rods hadn't arrived, we borrowed a fishing reel and a telescopic rod from the other teachers. I chose to fish on the creek side with the hand reel and peeled prawns as bait. 
(I figured if the saying is "when in Rome do as the Romans do", then it makes sense to "when in Saibai, fish like the locals do")
Peter fished on the ocean side with whole prawns and the fishing rod. 

You can always pick the amateur fishermen. They are the ones who get excited when they catch something. No matter what it is.

My first catch on Saibai was an eel. Locals said we could eat it but I let it go.
It was really slimy and we really weren't THAT hungry.
My second catch was a mud crab that I caught on a hand reel and managed to land. Unfortunately, although it was a male, it was a tad small so I let this one go as well.
Peter is still waiting for his first catch.

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