Wednesday, April 9, 2014

How could this be called work???

My very own classroom.

The Pre-Prep is a stand alone building, purpose built on an 
Education Queensland school site.
The PrePrep building on Saibai Island.
The rear of the Pre-Prep has a wide verandah and large undercover play area.

The PrePrep playground has a fixed climbing fort and a large sandpit area. The grass area is used for ball games, bikes and obstacle course.

I set our dramatic play area up as a home corner and included island baskets for storage.

My wonderful husband, Peter sets up the obstacle courses in the morning for the  Pre Prep children. I let him know what skills I am wanting to promote and he arranges the equipment to meet the children's needs and interests.
This obstacle course was set up to promote positional language - up, down, across, through.
In this photo you will notice the orange, blue and yellow plastic planks are upside down which was Peter's idea to stop them getting too hot for the children to walk on. Just before we go outside, Peter turns the planks over so they are ready for the children's use.

Our Pre Prep verandah area.

Our Learning Mat area with our own Interactive Whiteboard.
A view of the interior of our Pre Prep classroom when I arrived.
I have made a few changes since then.

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