Sunday, April 6, 2014

The adventure begins

Five years ago, while working in a managerial position with Queensland Government I became aware of an initiative being implemented in remote communities to improve educational outcomes for Indigenous children.
With fifteen years experience in early childhood education and care, I was inspired by the initiative to better prepare Indigenous children for school by providing Pre-Prep programs in remote communities and I dearly wished I could be a part of the program at a hands on level.
So at the age of 48 years, I began studying for an Early Childhood Teaching degree at CQUniversity.
During the following four years I gained the qualification that would enable me to eventually teach in remote Indigenous communities. My husband, Peter was extremely supportive of my goal and together we planned  the steps we would need to take to make our dream of living and working in remote Queensland communities a reality.

Fast forward to  10th March 2014.

My studies complete, my provisional registration as a teacher approved and a contract to work as a Pre-Prep Teacher on Saibai Island until 5th Dec 2014.

 We check in at Mackay Airport with our four 23 kilo bags,
two laptops, my  iPad and Peter's DSLR camera.

Lyn Bidgood's photo.

After paying the $80 excess baggage fee and getting our tickets for Mackay to Cairns and
Cairns to Horn Island  we are finally checked in..... 


and on our way.....

View from the plane window of the Queensland coastline

 between Townsville and Cairns.


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