Sunday, April 20, 2014

From PNG to Australia by dinghy

PNG to Australia by dinghy...

 Never ceases to amaze us.

While at the eastern end of Saibai Island, we noticed two boat loads of Papuans heading to Saibai for the markets.

As well as  the people, there are crates of crabs and handmade crafts on board. 
 From the eastern end of Saibai we had a clearer view of the village of Sigabaduru. Before we arrived here we had absolutely no idea there was a part of Australia where you could see another country from our shores.
 We are often approached by Papuan villagers asking for clothes. On barge day they shop at the IBIS and buy  trays of 1 kg flour, presumably to resell in their village.  
These photos were taken by Peter of a Papuan boat sailing across to Saibai Island from PNG, before dropping their homemade sail and motoring into the shore.

 It is a case of  modern meeting tradition.
Starting with a purchased dinghy and motor they add hand made features to make the boat function for their unique purpose.
(travelling between countries by water each week day as cheaply as possible)
This is a close up of a modified dinghy. The sails are made from a variety of materials.  When soil is transported to the island by barge it comes in large white bags. These bags are used to make sails, as are hessian potato sacks, tarps and whatever else can be accessed freely or cheaply.

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