Sunday, April 6, 2014

Arriving in Cairns by air

Landing at Cairns airport
The view from above always gives a different perspective and this was the case as we flew into Cairns. When I have flown into Mackay or Brisbane I got a sense of land that has been cleared so houses can be built, but in Cairns I had the impression of houses springing up amongst the greenery.

Arriving at Cairns airport.
Our plane after landing in Cairns.
Like a couple of tourists we were the last ones off the plane,   
then stopped to pose for photos.
With a four hour wait until our next flight and our baggage being transferred to our next flight, it meant we could take a taxi into the city and do some last minute shopping.

 You learn something new everyday.

Never thought our visitors from other countries would need pictorial directions on how to use Aussie toilets, but it seems there are a large number of countries where  squat toilets are the 'norm' so we are actually the odd ones out.


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